The number of COVID-19 cases is increasing rapidly across London and we are now in danger of losing control of this deadly virus.
This means new local restrictions are necessary to get this under control to protect you, our NHS and the local economy. From Saturday 17 October all of London, including Brent and Harrow, were moved into the high level of alert.
The most significant new rule is that you must not meet socially with friends and family indoors, unless you live with them or have formed a support bubble together. This applies in your home, and at pubs or restaurants.
You can continue to see friends and family, who you don’t live with, in outdoor spaces, such as parks, but you must not meet in a group of more than six – including children.
Please work from home if you can and reduce the number of journeys you make. To help stop the spread of coronavirus it is vital that we all continue to:
- Wash hands regularly
- Wear a face covering
- Keep a safe distance from anyone not in your household or support bubble.
Look out for the symptoms of coronavirus which are: a high temperature; a new, continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. If you have these symptoms, stay at home and apply for a test.
This is a difficult and worrying time for many of us. I know how many sacrifices you have made, to protect your loved ones, friends and neighbours. But a big effort from us at this moment can save lives, protect the local economy and stop the big growth in cases seen in other parts of the country.
By following the rules together, we can all play our part in keeping ourselves, our families and communities safe. More information about what the new restrictions mean for businesses and your household, including childcare, is available at gov.uk